The Communication and Information Sciences Laboratory (CISL) at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of New Mexico (UNM) is dedicated to research in all aspects of information storage, processing, and transmission.

Security, Privacy, and Robustness of Machine Learning

As deep learning, in particular deep neural networks (DNNs), applications proliferate, there is a serious
need to look at the security, privacy, and robustness of both
machine learning-based protocols as well as machine learning itself.

NSF RINGS: Highways-in-Sky

Future Advanced Aerial Mobility (AAM) applications are expected to develop into complex
systems of aerial traffic networks, or highways-in-sky.

    Space Domain Awareness (SDA) and Small-spacecraft swarms

LEO orbits are expected to be crowded with tens-of-thousands of small-spacecrafts in the coming years.
As the competition in space exploration gains more momentum, non-LEO,
cis-lunar and beyond orbits can expected to follow-suit.

Research Areas

mmWave Communications
Cognitive GPS
Autonomous & Wideband Cognitive radios
ML & AI techniques in wireless communications
Spectrum/ Space/ Situational awareness
Wireless Sensor Networks
Statistical Signal Processing
Multi-antenna systems, Beamforming, Adaptive array processing, MIMO
Information Theory


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